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Need More Hours In The Day? Find Them Here!

Need More Hours In The Day? Find Them Here!

The need for solid time management skills is indisputable. Learning to properly handle competing demands each and every day makes life so much more enjoyable. The guidance that you will find below is intended to make scheduling your days a much simpler process so that you can begin taking advantage of all life has to offer.

To better manage the time you have in a day, have a plan for it! Always sit down the night before and make a list of what you must get done. Prioritize everything on the list and cross tasks off one by one as you accomplish them. Get into this habit, and you should reach more goals and have more time in the day.

Attempt to get ahead of the next day’s work each evening before you call it quits. Establish tomorrow’s agenda at the end of each work day so that you will be fully prepared. This will help you wrap everything up at the end of a long business day. When you have your tasks already ordered, you can start working immediately.

When you find yourself constantly late and missing deadlines, consider getting a bigger clock and putting it in a place where it stares you down all the time. Studies show that when people can see a clock during the day, they mentally gravitate toward more time-saving efforts! Try this at home and the office to better manage your time.

Begin each day by reviewing and fine tuning your schedule. You will reach your goals faster if you know ahead of time what you have to accomplish for the day. Check the agenda carefully to make sure you aren’t overbooked.

Try to avoid answering the phone or e-mails just because they ring or appear. If you can, try disabling or disconnecting instant messaging. You don’t need to instantly give people attention unless it’s essential to the instant human response aspect of your business. You should try scheduling time for returning calls and answering emails.

Don’t wait for the last minute to get something done if you find yourself constantly behind schedule. For example, when you suddenly remember an important task that has to be taken care of before five today, you won’t be able to get anything else done! Avoid being a slave to deadlines and manage time more wisely.

Always work on the difficult projects early. Clear the most time-consuming and difficult task as the first job of the day. This puts you under less pressure as you work on less important tasks. If you’re able to get your stressful tasks done early, the rest of your day will go by quickly.

Sometimes, time management problems arise because you do not say “no”. When you take on more than you can handle, of course you will not finish all of your tasks on time. When a new task is thrust upon you and you already have a full schedule, either give a firm “no” or defer the task to a later period of time.

Consider Pareto’s Rule when considering time management. Really the lion’s share of your focused work (80%) gets done in 20% of your time. That’s normal and not the sign of someone inefficient. The human brain needs down time to adjust and renew itself. Make sure you give yourself breaks and periods where less is expected.

Everyone stands to benefit from learning how to better manage time. Being able to fit everything you need to into each day and then some is a talent that can greatly enhance your life. Keep the above information handy as you move forward so that you will never forget the key tips you have just discovered.

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